New Canaan Corridor

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New Canaan Corridor


Local Supercluster


Ular Ketawa

Star Systems:



The New Canaan Corridor is a group of 28 star systems located within the Local Supercluster. The cluster includes one colonized system belonging solely to the Republic of New Canaan. A non-legacy nation, New Canaan emerged entirely in the post-Earth era and does not share specific historical, cultural, or linguistic ties to any single nation of Earth.


Hebrew כנען k'na'an ("to bend, to kneel; to be low, humble, or subjugated"), the namesake for a historical region and bronze age civilization once located in Earth's Southern Levant.


The New Canaan Corridor is situated spinward of the Calypso Deeps and rimward of the Well of Embers.

Star Systems


  • New Canaan
  • Raijin
  • Xíngdǎo
  • Cái Nôi
  • Seljuk
  • Tiān Hòu
  • Barong
  • Rangda
  • Ayodhya
  • Kuroshio
  • Sulu
  • Chao Phraya
  • Anunnaki


  • Bakunawa
  • Minokawa
  • Xe Kong
  • Nang Mai
  • Nang Tani
  • Kapuas
  • Kalyak
  • Pazuzu
  • Apsara
  • Shí Yáng
  • Xuanzang
  • Bà Triệu
  • Dilmun
  • Menouf
  • Liúshā
  • Cửu Long

Translight Strings

There are a total of 31 charted translight strings connecting the 28 star systems of the New Canaan Corridor. Over two-thirds of the translight strings of the New Canaan Corridor are weak and unstable. This cluster does not have any nexus star systems, as none of its stars have four or more strings connecting to them.

Regional Interstellar Travel
New Canaan Corridor - Spinward Liúshā - Cửu Long -
New Canaan Corridor - Well of Embers Bakunawa - Sibu Bakunawa - Masu Pazuzu - Masu
New Canaan Corridor - Calypso Deeps New Canaan - Menouf Dilmun - Andulela Bà Triệu - Anansi Bà Triệu - Ga-Gorib


Flag Common and Formal Names Alignment Settled Worlds Population Capital System Capital Planet Capital City Classification
Republic of New Canaan New Canaan Middle Power

Contemporary Issues

Piracy in the New Canaan Corridor

A joint Co-Prosperity Sphere - Orion Treaty Organization attempt to pacify and stabilize the New Canaan Corridor is ongoing. In this pursuit, the Empire of Japan has provided equipment and funding for many anti-piracy militias, many of which consist primarily of former pirates and rebels. One of the most notable of which being the Rangda Peacekeeping Action Team. Although the backing of these militia groups seems to be resulting in a drop in the number of attacks on shipping throughout the corridor, critics have raised concerns regarding human rights abuses and a lack of oversight.

Independent anti-piracy forces in the New Canaan Corridor are subject to severe limitations due to pressure from the governments of the superpowers and regional governments. Critics assert that these limitations leave third-party security organizations under-equipped and formal militaries overstretched.

Security organization authorities operating in the New Canaan Corridor have launched an investigation following a series of attacks on heavily-armed peacekeeping craft.


"Attacks Threaten Japanese-Backed Militias in Chao Phraya", Champlain Group

"Don't Be Fooled. The Corridor Belongs To Tukiye, Not The O.T.O.", Champlain Group

"'Ghost Hunters' On Edge After USNS Threshold Sighting In New Canaan Corridor", Champlain Group

"Outspoken Critic Of The Co-Prosperity Sphere, Dies Amid Suspicious Circumstances", Champlain Group

""Assassin" Haunts Peacekeeping Forces In New Canaan Corridor", Champlain Group