Orion Arm

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The Orion Arm

The Orion Arm, also known as the Orion Region, Local Arm, or Orion Spur, is the colloquial title given to the extent of human exploration and settlement across interstellar space. Though its name derives from the Orion-Cygnus Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy, it denotes just a small segment of the spiral arm proper. In a broader context, it serves as a shorthand for referring to the human civilization as a whole.

Local Supercluster

Amazonia Cluster

Argentine Arm

Calypso Deeps

Elysian Fields

Indian Arm

Local Cluster

Lyran Veil

Mare Nostrum

New Canaan Corridor

Well of Embers

Sea of Clouds

Sunset Gates


Acadian Expanse

Antares Gap

Orion Gulf

Deutscher Wald

Far Frontier

Fennoscandian Rift

Gniezno Cluster

  • The Terytoria

Great Orinoco

  • Thousand Islands
  • Shiretoko Crest
  • Backbone of Heaven

Tannhauser Gate

Zhar Ptitsa

  • Buyan Isles